Thursday, March 08, 2007


To all my emancipated girlfriends :
"Buona Festa della Donna"!
Have you ever wondered if it was better in the old days when women had "just" to take care of the household and kids?? Feminists of all the world have struggled this last century to get to the total emancipation of women! Thank you ladies! So now we still have to take care of the house and to raise the kids but we have to have a carrier too, we have to make money and we have to participate in paying bills! Great! And they call this "parity" or "equal opportunities"! What's in word, eh?? So for this "equal parity" I have to run all day to take care of everything and I can tell you that these days it's all too much! Not mentioning that the moving isn't over yet, I have to prepare a trip to Roma and to Barcelone, Klaudia and friends are over this week end, my in-law, Babs and Meggie's cousins are coming next week for Meggie's birthday, I have to organize a party, take care of all the administration...and finding someone to rent my old apartment! I know that my friend Dongurigal disagrees with me but sometimes, and just for a moment, I wish I could be an ornament woman!!

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