Thursday, January 18, 2007

Home sweet home!

Nancy is going home today. The doctors considered that she can recover much better in the warmth of her home than in a hospital room! I totally agree with this philosophy but the "patient" has to be helped and doesn't have to feel left alone! So Nancy decided, well done!, to go at her mom's for few days! Licia will take care of Nancy in the best possible way an Italian mom can do and in this way she will gain all her straingh back and she will be ready to face everyday chores soon, but not yet! So dear Nancy enjoy your time at Licia, watch old movies, drink nice cup of tea and read your favorite blog because I have been missing you so much! Ciao cara!


Anonymous said...

Hi Olga
Glad to hear that Nancy is recovering. That disease surfaces in Canada far too often. It's bizarre, creepy and super fast--I'm glad she caught it in time.

See you next week--I'll be in touch about a lunch date.
Kath aka dongurigal

Olga said...

Hello Kath,
How nice to "read" from you on this blog!! Thanks so much for this comment! Yes, Nancy is doing much better, now, and she was definitely very lucky!

Can't wait to have lunch together, next week, and hear all your adventures "live"!
Take care Dongurigal!