Friday, November 24, 2006

Now I'm the one with time on her hands........

Ciao Olga, come va?
I’m just about done my reports and I thought I’d say hello. Stephen tells me you sent him pics from France………very nice! We’re well…..busy, very busy. Joe and Steph are with their dad tonight and Steve and Angie were doing their thing. Jerry has been a HUGE help with my reports……we’re using a new system and as you know, I’m not that savvy on the computer so he helps keep me sane! He has been my angel. My kids are well…….they’re enjoying school, having friends over…. the usual. Steph’s taking piano now as well as figure skating. She’s really enjoying herself. Joe usually has 2 practices and a game per week. He just loves hockey. His dad wanted to put him in a Rep league which would have meant more games (out of town) We both decided not to go that route. I don’t know why he wanted to change things this year…….just being Steve I guess. We’ve gone through our first mediation session. It went well. Now we need to attend the last one. I hope he remains open minded. Other than that things are good. We’re preparing the house for Christmas. We’re having about 30 people over on Natale. What are you doing for the holidays? I hope all is well with Meggie, Wouter and your parents. Mine are fine. They’ll be celebrating their 40th on Dec. 31. I’m not sure what we’re going to do for them. We haven’t decided yet. Anyway, I’m getting tired so I’ll say Buona notte…..Write when you have the chance.
Take care of yourself,
A presto.

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