Friday, November 03, 2006


Micaela turned 40!! She is the first one to reach the dreaded age! The turning point in life. But it isn't the "number" or how old we look that matters but our attitute, our inner soul and our willingness to still believe, and still dream. Miky knows that. She had forgotten it, for a moment. Now she knows that her life is in her hands. And her hands only. And nothing can be as it was. And this is good. Not easy but good. She deserves to be happy and now she knows that she deserves it. She is in Italy. She could have been in Rio, but thought that it was much better to celebrate her B-Day with her family in Rivoli. I saw her for a brief but intense moment. The tenderness of her hug meant the world to me. In two weeks we are off to Venise to celebrate ...

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