Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Italian Dreaming

You know when people talk badly about your husband or your parents and you get irritated and start defending them immeadiately?? You are the only one who is intitled to do that, you are the only one who can say that your parents are "assholes" or your husband is a "jerk" no one else! Same thing with Italy. My country. I can talk about her defects (for me Italy is a lady!), her limits and everything that is wrong in that country but I get outraged if people describe my land such as a mafia-spaghetti eater-mandolino-pizza country! Yes there's mafia, yes we eat spaghetti, yes in Naples they play the mandolino and yes we eat pizza! But Italy it's not only that and why these people don't look at their own countries? I could write pages about the beauties of Italy, about our treasures, our originality. But I guess it would be boring. So I prefer to write about our outstanding taste for shoes and cloaths. Maybe it's shallow to care so obsessively about shoes but you can recognize an Italian a mile away. And by the sun glasses and by the matching purse/shoes. Italian men are the most well dressed in the world. They ask their "mamma" if the shirt match with the tie but you cannot deny this evidence. It's a fact. Our television's programms are the worst in Europe: half naked girls present stupid quiz shows and realities programms are on the air every night. This half naked "things" are called "veline" or "letterine" and their only "goal" in life is to date, and eventually later on marry with a football players! Goal! Clevages are welcomed but cursing God is blaspheme if you make such a mistake you are ostracised for life time from our TV chains. And you know why? Because we are a bunch of hyprocrit and because we have the Pope. I am not sure about the order though. Probably we have the Pope so we have to be hypocrit! This is why in my country it takes 3 years (yes, before it was 5) to have a divorce and if you are not married is quite complicated if not impossible to be assisted in a fertilization programme! We are one of the European countries where we pay the highstet percentage of taxes and where we had the gutts to keep a showman like Berlusconi at the Governement. Well the States had Reagan as a President and "I'll be back - Schwarzeneger" is Governor of California. But this doesn't justify us!! But even if Italy is "this" I love my country. This is the place where I was born and raised, where my parents still live and where my heart goes where I hear the national hymn and every time I see the sign "ITALIA" I have a little shiver, because Italy in her good and bad is part of me and I am part of her! Ciao Italia!

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