Wednesday, February 14, 2007

San Valentino

Do you know the story behind Saint Valentine's day?
According to one legend, Valentine was a priest during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine was not happy and he continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret.For this act of goodness he was thrown into prison. The jailer’s daughter, Julia, was blind and often visited Valentine in his cell. He described the world for her and told her about God. One day, during one of her visits, the girl regained her sight. Convinced by the miracle, her family converted to Christianity. Claudius II, irritated by this new act of defiance, condemned Valentine to death. The day before his execution he wrote to Julia, signing his letter “from your Valentine”. He was decapitated on February 14th 268 AD. Saint Valentine officially became the patron Saint of lovers in 1496 thanks to Pope Alexander VI.
For me "San Valentino" is not only the lovers' day in a restricted sense, it's more the day to remember the people I love and cherish. My family, my friends. In other words: YOU GUYS!
Happy Saint Valentine!


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day Olga,
Love Ya,

Olga said...

Hello Nancy! What a lovely surprise! Hope you have a "romantic" time with your John!
Love ya too!