Saturday, December 02, 2006


I am in one of those "what if phases"! Probably due to the holidays season approaching I always get nostalgic and wonder how my life would have been if...I did went out for a drink that night or if I had missed the train that day??If you want to vizualise what I mean you should rent the movie "Sliding doors" where this beautiful young English woman learns that she has been fired from her PR job. On the way home,the doors of a tube car close on her, opening the 'what if' floodgates. She begins to live out two lives: if she had made the train, and if she hadn't. What really fascinates me id the intriguing concept about fate and how simple moments have the ability to change our lives.Who is that special someone that you could have met but didn't because you entered a crowded room a minute too late or too early? This is a story of courage, broken love, romance, future love, and life's challenges leaving you to face a road not looked at before. How you choose to walk down that road will be the decision left entirely up to you. But in my "what if" thoughts there is one only unberable thought: what if I stayed in bed that Saturday night on September 30th 2000? And nothing of this had happened and Meggie wasn't in my life??? But my decision was to step out of my bed, to go on this roller-coster relation and I have Meggie by my side!

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