Friday, June 01, 2007


If you could read my heart and

the memories that it holds ~

The days of growing-up

and secrets that we told.

Through all the laughter

and all the tears ~

Our heart grow closer

each and every year.

So please accep this Angel

so yo will always know ~

You're a friend in my heart

and a sister to my soul.

1 comment:

Olga said...

Carissima Sandra,

This morning I got your b-gift. The postman left a note that I had to go and pick up something at the post office!!
I'm always so thrilled when mail arrives!! And I was totally happy when I saw your name on the package!!!
Words cannot express the joy that your gift gave me!!! It's simply a treasure!!
I called my mom to read to her the "sister's poem" and I could not hold the tears!!
My dear and beloved Sandra from the bottom of my heart "thank you" for this special gift for me!

"you are a friend in my heart and a sister to my soul"

Ti voglio tanto bene cara sorella!