Thursday, June 28, 2007

Just good bye

One week wasn't enough. Probably not even a month would had been enough to visit this immense land called South Africa. Land of severe contrasts and bold beauty, where the current cultural melting pot has its roots in years of struggle and where history has left a healed wound. The African soil speaks to the ears of people who want to hear his stories. Once you listened to them you will not be the same again. I have a strong relation with this continent, something ancient. Africa is the only place in the world where I can be myself, where I don't need to prove but just be and where I leave a piece of me everytime I leave. There are many pictures in my mind of this journey...sunset in the bush, the leopard chasing, in the dark, impalas, a huge hyena running towards our jeep...but was has made these days so special are people. This would have been just a "trip" if we wouldn't have spent some time with Renzo, Danie & Jana. These people welcomed us in their homes and shared with us a brief moment of their lives and it was for us a privilege to be part of it. On the plane back to Paris Wouter told me "It's great, we have friends in South Africa"...and while from the plane's porthole Joburg's landscape started to become smaller and smaller ...I smiled and knew that this was just an "arrivederci".

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