Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tre metri sopra il cielo!

It's official : I will never grow up! I still love teenagers movies and sometimes, just for a sec, I wish I was still one! After watching "3metri sopra il cielo" I sighed thinking how fresh and unspoiled love seemed when I was 18...! Now that I am 38 (yes, still for a couple of months!!) I know that love is much more that a fast heartbeating, but the "fanciulla" who is in me loves that feeling and sometimes (only sometimes!) loans for it! I don't know if you guys on the other side of the ocean can "find" this Italian movie but it was huge hit in 2004 and a sequel "Ho voglia di Te" is now playing in movie theatres! Riccardo Scamarcio, Step, is the teeenagers new idol and has been haunting some of my thoughts!!Told ya that I wasn't lying when I said that I would never grow up! So girls google him up and I can't wait to read your comments! All type of comments!

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