Tuesday, August 14, 2007


In biblical terms the numerical number 40 has significant meaning. Think of the 40 days and 40 nights of rain floods. It took the Israelites 40 years to find the Promised Land, and Jesus spent 40 days in the dessert before his crucifixion. You are about to enter the most amazing time in your life. The past 40 years were all about preparation. Now you are both credible and incredible. 40 is the pivotal power age and here is why:
·You can become a doctor or lawyer and still have time left to practice;
·You can fall in love like a teenager and still have the time to grow up;
·You can have your first wedding anniversary;
·You can have children and still have the time to raise them
·You can move to another country and still have the time to make it your home;
·You can take up a new sport without worrying about arthritis;
·You lived long enough to be sure about some things;
·You can say what you want and others will listen;
·You can still have fun without being medicated;
·You can do something that you have never done in your life.


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